
User Guide


Adding a task

Adds either a todo, event or deadline to the task list.

Marking a task as done

Marks a task as completed.

Finding a task

Finds a task within the list of tasks by a keyword.

Listing all tasks

Lists all tasks in the task list.

Viewing help

Displays a summary of commands.

View upcoming tasks

Lists upcoming deadlines and events in the coming week.


help - Viewing help

Displays a summary of the commands and how to use them.

Format: help

todo - Adding a todo

Adds a todo to the task list.

Format: todo <description>


todo read book

event - Adding an event

Adds an event to the task list.

Format: event <description> /at <date in YYYY-MM-DD format>


event Hack&Roll 2020 /at 2020-05-20

deadline - Adding a deadline

Adds a deadline to the task list.

Format: deadline <description> /by <date in YYYY-MM-DD format>


deadline return library book /by 2020-05-20

list - Listing all tasks

Shows a list of all tasks in the task list.

Format: list

done - Marking a task as complete

Marks a specified task in the task list as completed.

Format: done <index of task>


done 1

Reminder - Viewing upcoming events

Displays a list of upcoming events and deadlines within the next week.

Format: reminder

bye - Exiting the program

Exits the program.

Format: bye